Bob Lock was born on the Gower Peninsular, Wales, back in the Dark Ages when there were no computers, televisions or FTL spaceships. (Ok, there still aren’t any FTL ships whilst writing this, but who knows how long this bio might be around?)
First published in Cold Cuts 1&2 (Horror anthos)
Cone Zero (SF/Fantasy Antho)
Cerne Zoo (SF/Fantasy Antho)
Null Immortalis (SF/Fantasy Antho)
Holiday of the Dead (Horror Antho)
100 Horrors (Horror antho)
Rivets and Rain (Steampunk antho)
Sein und Werden - Punk Pulp (Avantgarde ezine)
Debut Dark Fantasy novel ‘Flames of Herakleitos’ published in March 2007
Urban Fantasy Novel 'The Empathy Effect'
Science Fiction Novella 'A Cloud Of Madness'
Zombie Horror Novella 'They Feed On Flesh'
Science Fiction Novella Collection of Short Stories 'Eclectic Sheep That Androids Never Dreamed Of'
Published online on various sites such as: Sfcrowsnest – Alienskin – Sffworld – Scifi UK Review – Whispers of Wickedness – Sam’s Dot Publishing – Estronomicon etc etc
Published ‘Rogue Comet’ ZX Spectrum SF Adventure game in 1986
Play his Spectrum Adventure on your PC! This site archives old Spectrum games and emulates them on your PC. His computer name at the time was Walrus Computing.
Currently writing a hard SF novel – 'The Dam Across The Stars'
The sequel to ‘Flames’ – A Dark Fantasy novel, working title 'They Made Monsters'
and the usual short stories and poems,